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News e Pubblicazioni

Agronomo con Tablet


Frigerio J., Mezzasalma V., Bruno A., Agostinetto G., Maestri S., Maggioni D., De Mattia F., Labra M (2021), From the field to the table: grape microbiome as a signature of field origin for wine traceability. Poster presentato alla London Calling 2021 by Oxford Nanopore Technologies


Tommasi N., Pioltelli E., Biella P., Labra M., Casiraghi M., Galimberti A.(2022), Effect of urbanization and its environmental stressors on the intraspecific variation of flight functional traits in two bumblebee species. Oecologia (2022).


Biella, P., Tommasi, N., Guzzetti, L., Pioltelli, E., Labra, M., & Galimberti, A. (2022). City climate and landscape structure shape pollinators, nectar and transported pollen along a gradient of urbanization. Journal of Applied Ecology. 


Vichi S., Bietti S., Basso Basset F.,  Tuktamyshev A., Fedorov A., Sanguinetti S., (2022)Optically controlled dual-band quantum dot infrared photodetector. Nanomater. Nanotechnol. 12, 1-6 (2022)


A. Tuktamyshev et al., Flat metamorphic InAlAs buffer layer on GaAs(111)A misoriented substrates by growth kinetics control, Journal of Crystal Growth 600 (2022) 126906.


A. Tuktamyshev et al., Strain Relaxation of InAs Quantum Dots on Misoriented InAlAs(111) Metamorphic Substrates, Nanomaterials 2022,

12(20), 3571.


Barbato, M.P., Napoletano, P., Piccoli, F., Schettini, R. (2022). Unsupervised segmentation of hyperspectral remote sensing images with superpixels, Elsevier Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Volume 28, 


Piccoli, F., Locatelli, S., Napoletano, P., & Schettini, R. (2022). A unified platform for GIS data man-agement and analytics. Elsevier Ecological Informatics (under review) preprint


Piccoli, F., Rossini, M., Colombo, R., Schettini, R., & Napoletano, P. (2022). A deep scalable neural architecture for soil properties estimation from spectral information. Computers & Geoscience (under review) preprint


Piccoli, F., Peracchi, M., Schettini, R., & Napoletano, P. (2022). Estimation of soil characteristics from multispectral sentinel-3 imagery and DEM derivatives using machine learning. Elsevier Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (under review)


Pariani,G., Oggioni,L., Frangiamore,M., Cabona,L., Galli,P., Zanutta,A., Bianco,A. (2022). Application of compressive sensing for image acquisition in different environments.Proceedings Volume PC12136, Unconventional Optical Imaging III; PC121361 (2022)


Bruno A, Agostinetto G, Frigerio J, Gorini T, Maggioni D, Mezzasalma V, Labra M, De Mattia F, Galli P (2021). Food traceability from the field to the table: wine geographical signatures revealed by microbiome analyses implementing Illumina and Nanopore technologies. Poster presentato alla EMBL Symposium "New Approaches and Concepts in Microbiology",  7 – 9 July 2021, Virtual Conference.


Frigerio J, Mezzasalma V, Bruno A, Agostinetto G, Maestri S, Maggioni D, De Mattia F, Labra M (2022). From the field to the table: grape microbiome as a signature of field origin for wine traceability. Poster presentato alla London Calling 2022 (by Oxford Nanopore Technologies), Wed 18th May - Fri 20th May 2022, London, UK.


E. Tarabini, O. Cremonesi, E. Di Stefano, D. Pedrini, M. Clemenza.

Monte Carlo techniques for in-situ specific activity estimation of radionuclides with a portable coaxial HPGe: preliminary results Applied Radiation and Isotopes (under review).


Rossini, M., Tagliabue, G., Panigada, C., Ferrè, C., Gallia, L., Vignali, L., Pepe, M., Candiani, G., Boschetti, M., Comolli, R., Colombo, R. (2022). Topsoil properties estimation from PRISMA satellite images. 2nd workshop on international cooperation in spaceborne imaging spectroscopy, 19-21 October 2022, Frascati, Italy.

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